A week of the Israeli Consulate

Women Leadership @ Shabbat Dinner

  •   Women Leadership @ Shabbat Dinner

    Israeli & Indian women networking & experiencing the Jewish ritual of welcoming Shabbat on 23rd February 2018 19:30hrs, Ritz Carlton, Bengaluru

    The  goal of the consulate is to deepen the connections between Israel and India. Bringing these powerful Indian and Israeli  women together for a Shabbat Dinner- was another opportunity  to fulfil this goal!

    Choosing the timing of Friday evening enable us to seize a unique opportunity of experiencing some rituals that are taking place in many homes in Israel every Friday. 

    Shabbat eve (Saturday in English) is the most important day of the week for Jews, because it is a day on which we remember that God created the world in 6 days, but on the 7th day- Shabbat, He rested.

    Shabbat begins at sunset on Friday and ends at nightfall on Saturday. It is a very precious time: a time for peace, harmony and relaxation. In 
    Israel, being a Jewish Democratic state (with 75% of its population is Jewish), many businesses close on Shabbat. 

    The event had more than 40 women leadership. A delegation  of 23 Israeli women- who just landed to start their 10 days journey in India. Accomplished women from the Government and Private sectors in the field of Hi-tech, Innovation, Health Services, NGO's etc, headed by Adv. Anat Bernstein-Reich Chairperson Israel-India Chamber of Commerce, President, Israel-India friendship Association, President, TiE Israel, MD A&G Partners.

    The Indian Delegation from Bengaluru has a similar match of Influential and successful  Women. 

    Consul General of Israel to South India
    Ms. Dana Kursh:
    "Just like Friday evening - "Erev Shabbat" (in Hebrew) symbolizes the transition time between work to relaxation for many Israelies, This event was the best combination of business & pleasure for me. Enabling accomplished Indian and Israeli women to network professionally while enjoying a unique experience of cultural exchange.

  • To the right of the Consul General Ms. Dana Kursh:
    Debarati Sen, Managing Director 3M India region(India & Sri Lanka). to her right:Israeli -Dr. Nurit Gal-Oz Head of the department for Computer Science in the Sapir College.  to my left: Anusha    Arunkumar


    lighting the dia : right- Ms Latha Reddy, Re Higt ranking IFS
    Middle - Bernstein-Reich Anat Chairperson Israel-India Chamber of Commerce, 
    Left- Israeli- Ms. Ronit  Shafrut - Town planning lawyer


    From left to right: 
    Amb. Margit Hellwig Botte Consul General - Consulate General of Germany 
    Ms Anat Bernstein-Reich Chairperson Israel-India Chamber of Commerce 
    Ms. Sucharita Eshwar CWE founder & CEO (Catalyst for Women Entrepreneurship), 
    Israeli- Dr. Tamar Ben Yedidia Chief Scientist and founder of BiondVax Ltd.
    Amb. Latha Reddy- former high ranking IFS

    Consul General Ms. Dana Kursh along with Dr Nitya - a Bengalurian entrepreneur